How to upload files with Monsta FTP


This article demonstrates how to upload files, folders, and zip archives to an FTP server using the Monsta FTP web client.


To upload a file to the remote server drag files, folders, or zips from your desktop onto Monsta FTP.

Monsta FTP Drop Files

Or click the icon in the bottom toolbar, which will open a menu with options to upload a file, folder, or zip file. You'll be prompted to select a file or folder from your desktop or device to upload. You can select multiple files to upload at once, but only a single folder (and its contents.)

Monsta FTP Upload Menu

Your files will then upload one at a time. First they are uploaded from your browser to your client server (where you've installed Monsta FTP); and then they'll transfer from the client server to the FTP server (for most users, this will be the same server.)

Monsta FTP File Uploads

Once the files are finished uploading the file browser will refresh to show the new files.

If you're uploading a zip file you'll be prompted to choose between uploading the zip as it is, or to extract on upload (this is a much faster way to upload a lot of files.) See our article for further details on how to unzip files.